Turquía Citas solteras - Adana, Adana - vivi95 musulmán

vivi95 tiene 25 años, mujer solo de Bosnia y Herzegovina y vive en Adana, Turquía.
vivi95 quiere chatear con un hombre que se parece a él.
Adana - Turquía
I am the most ordinary girl. With kind heart and a pure soul. I have no experience of communication with men at all. But I know that the relations can be under construction only on sincerity. I also wait for sparking of people from the same future man. I am able to care and I am able to be happy. But for this purpose I want that the man was near reliable
Lo que espero del otro
I dream to meet the man who will be sincere which will want to build family. She shouldn't be rich and have a beautiful body. The most important what it would have a kind soul and light thoughts

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