India Enkele man ontmoeting - New Delhi 110011, Delhi - danielle

danielle is 43 jaar oud, man single uit India en woont in New Delhi, India.
danielle Emile wil graag chatten met een vrouwwie op hem lijkt.
New Delhi - India
“If life throws lemons at you, make lemonade” – This pretty much sums up my life so far! I am an easy-going person with a positive attitude towards life I am a self-made man that has been through a lot of challenges in life. After the initial struggle, I am now running a successful company I am currently the MD of Afro Asian impex, Exports & Imports, Delhi. Have travelled to more than 10 countries in Africa UAE Turkey and the gulf I was a NRI for a brief period of 15 years was working for foods
Wat ik van de ander verwacht
Religion or caste does not matter to me. I am looking to marry a career-oriented girl who is financially independent, strong-willed, and has a strong network of family and friends. Caste does not matter to me and I am looking for someone who can be a true friend for life. She should be calm, understanding, caring, loving, and at least be moderately religious. While I believe in Allah, I expect my partner to have an open mind to mingle with people from other religions and backgrounds.
My ideal m

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