Palestina Enkele man ontmoeting - Ramallah, West Bank - fakher moslim

fakher is 57 jaar oud, man single uit Palestina en woont in Ramallah, Palestina.
fakher Emile wil graag chatten met een vrouwwie op hem lijkt.
Ramallah - Palestina
I am from Palestine, everyone has the right to seek happiness, I come here to sincerely find love and marriage, I am kind, economic independence, have a good life, I am retired now and I was a university teacher before retired . In my leisurely life, I enjoy the happiness of life, I also hope to find a true love in my life, I am ready. I know I'm no longer young, i do not play games .
Wat ik van de ander verwacht
I am looking for a sincere , beautiful, one-man lady, patient and not less than 40 years old. I would like a partner happy with who they really are and looking at our partnership as a bonus to add to the magic of life. And be rest assured that I will do the same. We all need to be accepted and admired for who we are and I know I always like to find the qualities in each person,

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