Reino Unido Namoro homem solteiro - Manchester, North West - duke80

duke80 tem 42 anos, homem solteiro da Reino Unido e mora na Manchester, Reino Unido.
duke80 Emile gostaria de conversar com uma mulherquem se parece com ele.
Manchester - Reino Unido
Hi, I am brand new to online dating. While I’m still figuring this all out, here’s something I know for sure—I’m excited to be here! The chance to meet unique, engaging and interesting women is pretty dang neat. If you think you might fit that mold, drop me a message.

I work in IT And while I like to work hard, I make sure to leave time to enjoy life. I’m a fan of wine, movies, hiking, and getting out of town for the weekend. Let’s chat and see if maybe we’re a good fit!
O que eu espero do outro
Isn’t online dating a blast? Okay, maybe it can be challenging at times, but it’s still exciting that you have the chance to meet someone special who you might have never met elsewhere.
I hate cooking and would eat out every night of the week if I could, so I need to either find someone who really loves cooking or someone who really loves sandwiches. I’m looking for someone who does not talk during movies :)

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