Países Baixos Namoro homem solteiro - Delft, Zuid-Holland - aljozi

aljozi tem 41 anos, homem solteiro da Suriname e mora na Delft, Países Baixos.
aljozi Emile gostaria de conversar com uma mulherquem se parece com ele.
Delft - Países Baixos
I'am not looking for a material body; neither an I'am looking for a different while while looking to others. Further, and I'am not making a comparison in this. I live in a beebie box, without emotions.. looking for my mother! Who and is psychical in pregnancy of me. I'am thirsty..I have met her before. I'am her son! Stop your hungry, while and looking for me. You and have founded me..I'm your bread of life.
O que eu espero do outro
She doesn't need to have compliments either and a confirmation to be accepted, by a material body.. who and is not captured in this. Anyway! Who and is a soul,that past the borders; while and to meet her son. She needs to find him.. when and he is falling down from heaven to her feet.

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