Costa d'Avorio Incontri donna - San-Pedro, Bas-Sassandra Region - oceane12

oceane12 ha 37 anni, donna single dall'Costa d'Avorio e vive in San-Pedro, Costa d'Avorio.
oceane12 vorrebbe chiacchierare con un uomo assomiglia a lui.
San-Pedro - Costa d'Avorio
Me it is now 2 years and a half that I am all alone and since my separation with my man I decided not to see a man of my eyes but seeing that a woman can not live with his desires as well as his desires and his Love without a man reason why I decided to be on the net to have a man and I will be able to do a long walk to join this man if everything works well between us because I am a woman who knows what she want, I'm not here to play with the feelings of others why I would not like to be played
Cosa mi aspetto dall'altro
Me it is now 2 years and a half that I am all alone and since my separation with my man I decided not to see a man of my eyes but seeing that a woman can not live with his desires as well as his desires and his Love without a man reason why I decided to be on the net to have a man and I will be able to do a long walk to join this man if everything works well between us because I am a woman who knows what she want, I'm not here to play with the feelings of others why I would not like to be played

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